本帖最后由 water 于 2014-8-12 11:02 编辑
tomokazu hayakawa architects have configured two shipping containers to create a small mixed-use building on a corner in the torigoe district of tokyo. the irregular composition on the site distinguishes the structure from its context, while openness to the outside promotes connectivity with the active downtown area. at the ground level, one of the 40 ft (12 m) volumes is split and separated, housing flexible gallery spaces for public access. a second pod is stacked atop, containing a small office.
这是由Tomokazu Hayakawa Architects设计的CC4441办公室兼画廊,位于东京鸟越某街角。这里属旧市区,周边是皮革、纸工艺品和装饰品等小型工厂。客户期望在这里建造一个小型办公室,同时让他的妻子在这里经营一个小画廊。这个多功能空间由黑色货柜不规则交错堆栈而成,底层的空间为一个截半后错落摆放的长12米货柜构成,可作画廊展览之用,开放式设计方便与街区互动,至于上层的货柜则是一个小型办公室,简单灵活,而且节省建材。
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